
DeFranco’s Gym now on Facebook


I wanted to let everyone know that we are finally on facebook (along with the rest of the planet). You can find us by searching “DeFranco’s Gym“.

Out-of-State athletes looking to train with us this summer take note:


We strongly encourage you to not only join our facebook page, but search and join our facebook group entitled, “DeFranco’s Gym’s Out-of-State/Summer Crew“. This group was designed for out-of-state athletes to communicate with each other so they can “buddy-up” and save some money on traveling and hotel expenses. The hotel that we recommend on our CONTACT US page has special rates for our out-of-town athletes that will be rooming together. Give them a call and ask for Kim for more specific info on your hotel & transportation. (FYI, you don’t have to stay at this hotel; it’s just a suggestion.)

PLEASE NOTE: YOU are responsible for booking your hotel and organizing your travel to and from the gym, etc. WE are NOT responsible for this aspect of the program. Our job is getting you stronger, faster and better-conditioned! Once you get your hotel and travel organized, call us at 201-444-2260 or email us at  to book your training sessions. (Please book your 1st session 2 weeks in advance to ensure a spot in our Summer Program.) We are expecting our biggest/best crop of athletes from across the globe this summer; don’t miss out on this incredible experience!

I think that’s all I need to tell you guys for now…

Oh, if anyone is interested, some random guy put together a pretty badass highlight reel of Brian Cushing training and dominating some poor bastards on the field. If watching this doesn’t get you pumped to train and kick some serious ass, nothing will! Check this out…

Who’s gonna step up this summer and be the next DeFranco’s Training FrEaK???

Joe D.


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