Are You a G.A.M.E.R.?

Are You a G.A.M.E.R.?

by Joe DeFranco   Do You Have “IT”? Joe stands in the middle of his warehouse gym in New Jersey, surveying the action. In one corner, an up-and-coming welterweight MMA fighter is deadlifting with a trap bar wrapped in chains, hitting 500 pounds at the top. In another area, a top college football player is…

Strong Mind, Stronger Body: Lessons from a Warehouse Gym

Strong Mind, Stronger Body: Lessons from a Warehouse Gym

by Joe DeFranco     Joe DeFranco is excited. “I’m pumped!” he told me last week. “I never get to talk to anyone about this stuff! This is shit I’ve been really into for years. It really is one of the secrets to my gym’s success. If people are missing this aspect of training, then…

Westside for Skinny Bastards, Part III

Westside for Skinny Bastards, Part III

The Final Chapter by Joe DeFranco When I wrote the original “Skinny Bastards” article, I had a feeling it would generate a great deal of discussion. To be honest, though, I had no idea it would become as popular as it has. At least 75% of the hundreds of emails I receive on a weekly…

Westside for Skinny Bastards, Part II

Westside for Skinny Bastards, Part II

by Joe DeFranco This article originally appeared on The original Westside for Skinny Bastards was the most popular article I’ve ever written. I still receive dozens of emails and phone calls every day regarding this program. Why? Because not only is it an incredible program, but there’s a ton of room in it for…

Strongman Training for Athletes

Strongman Training for Athletes

by Joe DeFranco This article originally appeared on   Editor’s Note: Although this article is aimed at athletes, if you’re looking to get into shredded, athletic shape, try some of the exercises Coach DeFranco describes. You can practically feel the fat melting off your body! Mental and physical toughness, anaerobic conditioning, improved sprinting speed,…

Westside for Skinny Bastards A modified lifting program for “Hardgainers”

Westside for Skinny Bastards A modified lifting program for “Hardgainers”

by Joe DeFranco This article originally appeared on I’m a gym scientist. My lab is the weight room and my lab rats are my athletes. Many of these “lab rats” are doing the program you’re about to read. My experiments have proven one thing: this program works. Below I’ve provided four real-world success stories…

The Stretching Roundtable 1

The Stretching Roundtable 1

With Joe DeFranco, John Paul Catanzaro, and Don Alessi moderated by Chris Shugart This article originally appeared on Stretching is a lot like flossing. We know we should do it, we know it’s beneficial, but a lot of us don’t do it very often or very well. But maybe that’s because we can’t decide…

The Stretching Roundtable 2

The Stretching Roundtable 2

With Joe DeFranco, John Paul Catanzaro, and Don Alessi moderated by Chris Shugart This article originally appeared on   Part I the coaches talked about stretching myths and how flexibility affects muscle size and strength. This week they’ll delve even deeper into the subject, so warm up your brain, do some dynamic stretches for…

The Pro-Maker An Interview with Joe DeFranco

The Pro-Maker An Interview with Joe DeFranco

by Chris Shugart of This interview originally appeared on Joe DeFranco is a busy man. Right now he’s training sixty high school athletes, thirty college athletes, and ten professionals. NFL agents keep his phone ringing all day long. HBO wants him to appear again on Inside the NFL. First round draft picks from…

Training Economy How to Maximize Efficiency in the Gym

Training Economy How to Maximize Efficiency in the Gym

by Joe DeFranco This article originally appeared on Questions regarding the concept of training economy have indirectly been thrown my way since I first picked up a dumbell. I use the term indirectly because most people have never heard of the term training economy, but I get asked the same question time and time…