Does Strength Decline After The Age of 40? [Pete Holman & Joe D. discuss the nuanced details]

Released on January 16, 2025
0:30 – January 2025 CPPS online course(s) announcement! [coupon: JOED30]
2:20 – FREE Live Masterclass for Gym Owners – Reserve Your Seat!
5:10 – Joe introduces the audience to Pete Holman
8:35 – Pete Holman joins the show | Podcast officially begins…
9:45 – Joe provides an overview of how/why today’s podcast came about
11:30 – Pete shares some of his training/injury history
19:25 – Is maintaining our strength [as we get older] considered PROGRESS?
23:35 – Can a 76-year-old man improve his pull-up strength?
32:25 – The nuanced details surrounding “aging and strength”
37:30 – The different types of strength we should be looking to improve as we age
45:25 – How training for speed/power carries over to strength and longevity
48:30 – How speed training can save your life…literally!
50:40 – Why Pete invented the Glute Slide | Why strengthening your glutes is so important as we age
1:04:10 – Advice for lifters who regularly “tweak” their low backs
Important Links from the Show
- FREE Live Masterclass for Gym Owners! [January 24th @ 2pm ET]*Reserve your seat & apply for a scholarship to our next Iron Business Blueprint [90-day coaching program]
- CPPS online certifications*Use coupon "JOED30" to save 30% on ALL online certs!
- Pete Holman's Instagram
- The Glute Slide
- Joe D's Instagram

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