Strength Training & Pre-Pubescent Children: Is it Dangerous?

Released on October 5, 2017

2:15 – Joe introduces today’s sponsors: BOMBFELL, MVMT WATCHES, CBS ALL ACCESS
12:30 – Joe reads the email that prompted today’s show topics
17:00 – SHOW TOPIC #1: Strength training & pre-pubescent children…Is it dangerous?
45:15 – SHOW TOPIC #2: Maximal results in minimal time [Five training methods that have cut Joe D’s gym time in half]
73:45 – Joe announces the final CPPS course of 2017 [Registration now open.]
Important Links from the Show
- www.CPPSAcademy.comTake the CPPS Level 1 course from the comfort of your own home. [REGISTRATION CLOSES Sunday, October 15th!]

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