How I Program Loaded Carries, My Thoughts on RPE & More!

Released on February 18, 2021
0:00 – Show intro
3:00 – Joe introduces today’s sponsor – The Ready State™
8:20 – Podcast begins…
13:00 – Q1: What are Joe’s BIG 3 “areas of focus” for longterm shoulder health
26:35 – Q2: Is there a “new group” of lazy bastards who rival those who don’t return their shopping carts?!
30:00 – Joe shares a personal story about the crazy “parking spot wars” going on in New Jersey
37:10 – Q3: What are Joe’s thoughts on using the “RPE” scale?
53:10 – Q4: How/When does Joe recommend programming Loaded Carries [and what are his favorite variations]?
1:21:10 – CPPS February course reminder!
Important Links from the Show

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