Joe Reacts to Mean Comments, Dealing with Criticism & More!

Released on October 25, 2018
0:00 – Show intro / overview

4:10 – Joe reads the DM that prompted today’s show topic
8:45 – Joe reveals the “success timeline” [and how it leads to criticism]
12:50 – Joe explains why he’s making an exception to the rule & acknowledging the trolls in this episode
14:50 – Ashley begins to read the mean comments…
16:40 – Joe addresses the criticism of his eyebrows :))
20:15 – Joe addresses the steroid accusations made about his gym
29:20 – Does Joe “skip leg day”?
35:20 – Is Joe qualified to give advice on trap training?
40:10 – Joe addresses the criticism that he’s a “bro scientist”
46:05 – Why pay for Joe’s products when you can get free info online?
50:45 – Joe’s final/best advice regarding dealing with criticism
59:45 – How does Ashley feel when she reads negative comments about her husband?
1:06:35 – Ashley gives advice to a male listener who loves training but his wife prefers a “dad bod”
1:12:00 – Ashley shares her weekly training schedule with the audience
Important Links from the Show

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