Sprint Talk, The Greatest Exercise EVER, & Surprise Guest!

Released on August 18, 2016
Joe kicks off this week’s episode with a surprise guest! He then talks about Usain Bolt’s Olympic performance and how it influenced this week’s podcast topics. The rest of the show is dedicated to answering questions from the listeners.
7:45 – Joe tells the backstory behind this week’s “mystery guest”!
16:10 – Joe shares a personal story from his unlikely trip to the mall last weekend
22:35 – How Usain Bolt influenced this week’s podcast
24:10 – “Is it detrimental to an athlete’s speed if they ‘open up’ their back elbow and extend past 90-degrees during acceleration?”
39:45 – “What distances are most effective when performing resisted sprints?”
48:20 – “What are the best core exercises for improving an athlete’s speed potential?”
58:25 – Joe reveals what he thinks just may be “The Greatest Exercise EVER”!?
62:10 – The many benefits of performing the “Kettlebell Mile”
Important Links from the Show
- SPEED [DVD & Manual]The definitive guide for developing speed with team sport athletes.
- Hard:CORE DVDThe most comprehensive Core training system in the world. [Contains over 260 exercises!]
- "Stop & Go" Deceleration Farmer's Walk [video]Great variation to improve an athlete's ability to decelerate & accelerate. Also great for CORE strength!

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