Check out “Behind the Scenes” as a couple of our high school athletes perform an upper body workout at our gym!
Here’s a copy of the actual workout:
1. Tire Battles: 5x10-20 seconds (Vary time each set)
2. Flat DB Bench Press, palms in: 1xMax reps
3A. Inverted Rows, feet elevated (Thick Double-D handle): 3×10
3B. Underhand grip band pull-aparts: 3×12
4A. Cable Lateral Raises (thick handle): 2×10
4B. Seated DB Clean+Press: 2×10
5. Battling Ropes: 2×30 seconds
6. “Hercules” Hold (w/ entire weight stack): 2xMax time
Check out some highlights of the actual workout…
Let us know what you thought about the workout by leaving your feedback/questions in the comments section below!
-Joe D.
P.S. For those of you that have been emailing me regarding THE LOST SECRETS OF STRENGTH: BUSINESS FILES DVD/CD; I wanted to inform you that they are back in stock on our STORE page!