Throughout the years, many people have sent me products to experiment with, test them on my athletes, then give my honest opinion on their value. I’ve gotten to test some really cool products – Fat Gripz, The Tsunami Bar and ShroomTech Sport come to mind – all of which I use and recommend on a weekly basis. On the other hand, I’ve also received some really shitty products and I’ve been pitched some really bad business ideas Lol. This got me thinking…
I thought it would be cool to start a new feature on my blog entitled, Stuff Joe D. Likes. This would enable me to share valuable products with athletes and coaches all over the world, while helping lesser-known companies get some bigtime exposure.
Herer’s how it works:
If you have a product that you think can be beneficial to athletes, coaches, trainers, weekend warriors or meatheads – send an email to:
In the subject line write: Stuff Joe D likes
Provide a brief description of your product (one paragraph or less) with a link to your website or sales page (if you have one). Someone from my team will email you back with details of where to ship the product.
NOTE: I will NOT publicly bash anyone’s product or company. This new feature is meant to help people, not hurt them. If I do not like your product, it simply won’t be featured on the site. With that being said, there are only so many hours in the day and my schedule can get insane at times – so there is a possibility that I won’t be able to review every single product that I like. Although, you have my word that I will do my best to review as many products as humanly possible!
Let the games begin!
Happy Thanksgiving. I hope everyone gets to spend quality time with friends and family!
Joe D.
PS – Don’t forget to email with your product info!