Workout Advice for Chronic Low Back Pain Sufferers, Factors Affecting Training Frequency & More!

Released on September 1, 2022
0:45 – “MuscleUp” Supplement Sale Announcement!
5:35 – Joe reads this week’s winning iTunes review
11:50 – QUESTION/TOPIC #1: [Lower Body] Workout Advice for Chronic Low Back Pain Sufferers
50:10 – QUESTION/TOPIC #2: Important Factors [That Must Be Addressed] When Determining YOUR Optimal Training Frequency
Important Links from the Show
- DeFranco's Nutritional SupplementsUse coupon code: MuscleUpAugust [*NOTE: Joe realized AFTER the podcast was recorded that today is SEPTEMBER 1st, not August 1st!! LOL. But, he decided to keep the coupon code as "MuscleUpAugust" since that was the code he promoted on the show. Sorry for any confusion!]
- ReBuilt 2.0
- Team Forever Strong app
- Training w/ Chronic Low Back Pain | JOE KNOWS #21

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