5 Reasons Why I Look & Feel Better at 49 Than I Did at 29!

Released on June 20, 2024
5:15 – MuscleUpJune supplement sale – FINAL REMINDER!
6:35 – Iron Business Weekend announcement!
14:20 – Q1: Will Joe be having birthday cake and/or a cheat meal this year?
21:15 – Q2: When was the last time Joe got really drunk on his birthday?
31:35 – Q3: Does Joe “eat to train” or “train to eat”?
40:55 – Q4: The 5 things that Joe STOPPED doing in order to get in the best shape of his life at 49!
Important Links from the Show
- Iron Business Weekend
- Training Longevity seminar
- DeFranco's Nutritional SupplementsUse coupon: MuscleUpJune [SALE ENDS JUNE 21st]

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