Blood Flow Restriction Training: Hype or Here to Stay?

Released on November 17, 2016
In this week’s episode, Joe talks about his recent experiences with Occlusion Training, aka, Blood Flow Restriction. He discusses the theory behind this technique, as well as “best practices” for those looking to incorporate it into their training. He also shares the exact protocol he’s currently using in his own training, along with suggestions for others who may have different goals.
1:00 – Joe talks about today’s sponsor – HelloFresh [use promo code: JOED]
4:45 – Joe reveals the new items that have been added to for the Holiday season

12:20 – Joe explains how the topic of today’s show came about
16:40 – What is “Blood Flow Restriction” Training (BFR)?
19:20 – What’s the benefit of temporarily “trapping” blood inside the working muscle?
26:50 – How to properly occlude blood flow [“cuff” placement & tightness]
38:55 – The 3 situations in which BFR is recommended as the sole form of training
42:10 – The best way to incorporate BFR training into YOUR program
43:30 – Real-life story of how BFR Training was used immediately following shoulder surgery to reduce pain and speed up the recovery process
52:25 – The specific BFR protocol Joe has been using himself
68:10 – Joe discusses the potential benefits of incorporating BFR training with athletes during their [technical] skill work
74:35 – Joe gives a quick recap of the key points from today’s show
Important Links from the Show
- DeFrancoShop.comNew items in stock for the Holiday Season! Check them out by clicking the link above!

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-The Industrial Strength Show team
Joe, I hope you are well?
A quick one just to ask if any of your supplements will be making their way over to the UK soon? We don’t have anything anywhere near as good over here, especially your gut health sups, which I would really like to add to my daily routine.
Also, thanks once for all of your podcasts, vlogs, updates and workouts over the past few years. In an industry full of bad advice, you cut through the crap and offer sound educational advice which evidence of real results. Also the constant positive vibe from your podcasts is really uplifting, especially having gusts like Eric LeGrand really humbling, and incredible to listen to. Once I’ve listened to on of your shows I am ready to conquer the world.
Keep at it,
all the way from Leicester uk (home of Leicester city football club the modern day Cinderella story)
Thanks, Joe. Great information. Seems this would be a great option for travel workouts, perhaps coupled with mini-bands. Any experience using these in conjunction with fat gripz?