BUYER BEWARE: Understanding Supplement Labeling, Thanksgiving/Holiday Eating Hacks & More!

Released on November 24, 2021
0:00 – Show intro/preview
7:00 – Joe talks about today’s sponsor – MANSCAPED™
11:15 – Jamie Dorely joins the show | Podcast begins…
19:00 – Pre Thanksgiving dinner eating hack
22:15 – How DeFranco’s Clean Greens just got “cleaner”!
28:00 – How the Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act (DSHEA) affected the supplement industry
33:00 – Why all protein powders were not created equal
41:10 – The 2 main causes of your health problems
42:45 – The ONE supplement that has the biggest [most positive] impact on your health
44:30 – Reading fish oil labels & why you should stay away from the cheap brands!
51:35 – Comparing Costco’s [Kirkland] Fish Oil vs DeFranco’s Omega D3
58:15 – Why Jamie refers to flu season as “Double D” season
59:30 – Joe introduces today’s sponsor – Four Sigmatic
1:03:30 – What separated Dr. Tom, aka, “The Guru” from other knowledgeable nutritionists
1:10:15 – Why Joe wasn’t a huge fan of multivitamins & what separates the good ones from the bad
1:18:15 – Reviewing Centrum’s [multivitamin] label
1:19:55 – Jamie shares his “Great Pyramid of Health”
1:28:10 – Closing thoughts/advice on training/longevity/lifestyle, etc.
Important Links from the Show
- DeFranco's Nutritional Supplements*Use code: STOCKUP
- DeFranco Shop*New tees & hoodies AVAILABLE NOW [Pre-Sale Ends Dec. 1st]

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