Charles Poliquin Talks Strength, Food Intolerance Testing, Neurotransmitter Dominance & More!

Released on April 27, 2017
1:00 – Joe talks about this week’s sponsor – Metabolic Meals
11:30 – Charles Poliquin interview begins…
15:40 – Charles talks about how he began writing for Muscle Media magazine

23:50 – Charles explains how he originally became aware of “Food Intolerance Testing”
28:40 – Charles reveals the best lab for getting a Food Intolerance Test
29:55 – The single most important natural factor for testosterone production
31:40 – Can you re-introduce “intolerant” foods back into your diet?
50:00 – The importance of testing for neurotransmitter dominance & deficiency
60:45 – The reliability of testing neurotransmitters through saliva
70:00 – Joe & Charles discuss “force-velocity profiling” their athletes
79:00 – Charles reveals his favorite strength exercises
82:40 – Charles reveals his favorite methods for improving mobility
85:20 – Charles explains the theory behind his “Kinetic Chain Enhancement” technique
96:35 – Recommended intra & post-workout supplementation for those looking to get lean
104:10 – Modifications to diet and training for males over 40
108:45 – Charles shares a great quote regarding brain health and your ability to build muscle
Important Links from the Show
- to Charles' private ebook - HOW TO GAIN MUSCLE MASS
- Cyrex LabsCharles' preferred lab for Food Intolerance testing
- Braverman TestTake the test to learn your neurotransmitter profile and deficiencies
- StrengthSensei.comCharles Poliquin's official website
- Follow Charles Poliquin on Twitter

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