Dave Tate Talks Max-Effort Training for Washed-Up Meatheads, Dealing w/ Internet Stupidity & More!

Released on September 15, 2022
0:00 – Show preview
8:50 – Dave Tate joins the show…
9:45 – What prompted Dave to start his online “coaching”/reaction videos?
13:00 – What happened the first time Joe put Dave through a “full” dynamic warm-up
14:45 – How Dave’s current training differs from 5-7 years ago
16:50 – How Dave currently periodizes his training
20:55 – Max-Effort training advice for washed-up meatheads
26:55 – Why both Joe & Dave recommend cycling the straight bar OUT of your program
28:55 – The 5 lifts that most “old heads” DON’T do…and what we can learn from this
31:00 – Dealing with stupid people & “know-it-alls” online
36:50 – What is Dave’s favorite piece of Elitefts equipment?
40:20 – Strength movements vs “focus” movements
42:15 – “Must-Have” pieces of equipment for YOUR home gym
48:00 – The biggest mistake(s) Dave made when he started Elitefts
56:15 – The future of Westside Barbell
1:00:30 – The return of the SWIS Symposium!
Important Links from the Show
- 2022 SWIS Seminar - October 28 & 29*Use code "ES100" to save $100!
- CPPS L1 @ Elitefts - October 27*Use code "SWIS30" to save $300!
- Elitefts Rackable Cambered Spider Bar
- Elitefts American Cambered Neutral Grip Bar
- Dave Tate's instagram (@underthebar)

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