Training vs “Working Out”, Ignoring Your Competition, & More!

Released on October 12, 2017
1:00 – Joe introduces today’s sponsors – Kumho Tires & CBS ALL ACCESS
7:15 – Start of podcast [Joe reads an email from a listener]
9:15 – How much does Joe pay attention to his competition?
34:00 – Training vs Working Out – What’s the difference?
56:50 – Show conclusion [CPPS Academy & DeFranco Insider reminders]
Important Links from the Show
- www.CPPSAcademy.comLast chance to take our CPPS certification course from the comfort of your own home. THIS IS THE FINAL COURSE OF 2017!
- 567 AcademyIf you'd like to "sneak" into November's seminar (which is SOLD OUT), click on 'REQUEST AN INVITATION' and tell 'em JOE D. SENT YA!
- "Kettlebell Clinch" Pull-ups [video]

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-The Industrial Strength Show team