Joe D. Gets Personal! [Off-Topic Q&A]

Released on November 2, 2017
1:00 – Joe gives an overview of today’s show
14:00 – What’s the most negative thing that you turned positive?
19:00 – What’s your definition of “Success”?
20:30 – Joe shares a George D. story from his childhood
30:00 – Update on the shopping cart situation at Whole Foods
33:30 – Where is the strangest place you’ve ever urinated?
39:45 – How would you recommend selling yourself as a new personal trainer with regards to pricing?
46:40 – If you could remove any exercise what would it be?
50:00 – Do you have any phobias?
55:00 – What’s Joe D’s next “big thing”?
59:20 – Top 3 favorite Business/Success quotes
70:30 – Can Rx medication lead to depleted brain chemistry, depression & panic attacks?
82:30 – Show Conclusion / Announcements
Important Links from the Show
- CPPS BUSINESS SEMINAR DVD4-disc DVD set featuring Joe DeFranco, Jim Smith, Paul Reddick & Vince Gabriele! [Limited time offer. Sale ends November 8th!]
- CPPS Level 2 [Online Course]Become a Level 2 certified coach from the comfort of your own home. Gain LIFETIME access to over 25 video modules! [Registration closes in 2 weeks.]
- DeFranco's Nutritional Supplements*Try our NEW Pumpkin Spice "No Whey Jose" Vegan protein powder! [Available during the holiday season only.]

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