How To Conquer Fear, A Simple Test to Determine if You’re Overfat & More!

Released on November 19, 2020
0:00 – Intro music
1:00 – Show intro | Podcast begins…
4:40 – Joe discusses the lack of growth of his IG account, censorship & his [potential] move to Parlor
12:00 – Holiday merch update 🙁
14:25 – Update on next week’s DeFranco Family Thanksgiving episode
18:00 – Q1: How to conquer fear
31:20 – Q2: Joe’s thoughts on triphasic training [and how to incorporate it into a conjugate style program]
39:25 – Q3: A simple test to determine if you’re overfat [even if you’re not overweight]
54:35 – Q4: Can CrossFit “done properly” be used to build strength, speed & endurance for football and lacrosse?

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