How To Drastically Improve Sleep Quality, The Morning Coffee Hack You Must Try & More w/ Dan Go!
Released on March 23, 2023
0:15 – Joe announces this month’s second supplement sale!
3:10 – Dan Go bio & show preview
8:35 – Dan Go joins the show | Podcast begins…
13:00 – The biggest mistakes Dan made when he first began his transformation from “skinny-fat & lazy” to “fit & healthy”
18:20 – The importance of training your mind before focussing on your physical transformation
24:50 – What causes so many “successful” entrepreneurs to get out of shape?
31:00 – The ripple effect that “getting in shape” has on your business and life
36:20 – How to become a “black belt of healthy eating”
47:00 – Dan’s daily “non-negotiables” that have the biggest impact on his health & performance
51:00 – The importance of lining up your nutrition/lifestyle with your circadian rhythm
54:55 – Dan’s “3-2-1 method” for improving sleep quality
1:05:25 – Why you should delay drinking your morning cup of coffee
Important Links from the Show
- Dan Go's Instagram
- Dan Go's Twitter
- Dan Go's website
- ReBuilt 2.0
- DeFranco's Clean Greens
- DeFranco's Nutritional Supplements*Use coupon "iforgot" [Sale Ends 3/26/23 @ Midnight EST]
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-The Industrial Strength Show team
This was a great podcast. About 6 weeks ago I decided to get off my ass and stop feeling sorry for myself. I began your Triple H power series program and have had amazing results. I’m stronger, my cardio is better, and I’m down 18lb. I probably still have another 18-20 to go. I love the format of the workout, it works wonders with my schedule and I look forward to it. Is there a Triple H 2.0 workout you can put together for me or people like me to take the next step? I’m not asking for it for free, I’ll pay because it’s that damn good! You are the best Joe, thanks for all your advice over the years.
Johnny G.
New Jersey