How To Grow Your Business on YOUR Terms, Why I Changed My Views on “Off Days” & More!

Released on February 24, 2022
1:00 – Show intro | Joe thanks the audience for all the love & support they’ve been showing his dad
9:40 – Joe reads this weeks winning iTunes review
12:00 – Q&A begins…
12:25 – TOPIC #1: How Joe could have avoided the ONE hamstring pull that occurred [while preparing an athlete for the NFL Combine] over 20 years ago
24:25 – TOPIC #2: How to grow your business on YOUR terms!
44:05 – TOPIC #3: How many days a week does Joe recommend taking completely “OFF”?
56:05 – TOPIC #4: Joe’s favorite low-calorie foods that actually taste good and “fill you up”
1:11:10 – Joe shares some hilarious nutrition advice he received from “Teardrop” – an interesting character that used to train at Man’s World Gym with Joe back in the 90’s.
1:16:20 – Joe talks about this week’s sponsor – Hellowater
1:21:15 – TOPIC #5: How to reverse pain & immobility caused by long periods of sitting or texting [Simple, 6-Move Routine!]
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