How To Make The Best Gains of Your Life in 2024 [Avoid These 7 Mistakes!]

Released on December 28, 2023
1:00 – Show Intro | Joe provides an update on his mystery/chronic laryngitis
12:20 – Joe reads the “iTunes review of the year!”
15:20 – Joe announces the [extended] “MuscleUpJanuary” supplement sale!
17:15 – Joe reads a question from a listener who asks, “How to make the best gains of his life in 2024..”
21:15 – Joe starts his “7 Mistakes To Avoid in the Gym” list…
- 21:30 – Mistake #1: Trying to turn everything into “cardio”
- 25:00 – Mistake #2: Testing your strength instead of building strength
- 29:35 – Mistake #3: Program Hopping
- 34:30 – Mistake #4: Too much [junk] volume
- 37:00 – Mistake #5: Over-emphasizing “perfect technique” while forgetting about load & progression
- 42:15 – Mistake #6: Going too heavy / Poor technique
- 47:00 – Mistake #7: Poor exercise selection
Important Links from the Show
- DeFranco's Nutritional Supplements*Use coupon: MuscleUpJanuary [SALE ENDS 1/11/24]
- Team Forever Strong
- "Timmy The Technique God" - Perfect Technique IG video :)

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