It’s Never Too Late to Live Your Passion [w/ Joe D’s OG client – Shemayne Williams]

Released on July 2, 2020
0:00 – Show intro | Supplement Sale Announcement
2:20 – Show preview
6:40 – Podcast begins | Shemayne Williams joins the show…
10:45 – Joe reads a DM from a 48-year-old listener asking if it’s too late for him to switch careers
12:45 – How Shemayne first met Joe back in 1998
23:25 – Joe shares an important story/lesson regarding the first large group of high school girls he trained
32:15 – Shemayne talks about her grad school thesis: The group dynamics of the security staff who protect the fans/audience at large stadiums/arenas
38:40 – The importance of the “side hustle”
46:30 – Shemayne talks about overcoming the “fear of success”
48:10 – The reality that “everything takes longer than expected”
51:50 – Buyer Beware: Influencers who endorse new/different products every month
1:04:40 – Shemayne discusses how she’s [ethically] growing her online training business
1:09:25 – The importance of continuing to train while you’re going through tough times
1:17:30 – Final/Actionable advice for those looking to transition into a new career later in life
Important Links from the Show
- DeFranco's Nutritional Supplements*Use Discount Code: MuscleUpJuly [7/5/20 - 7/8/20]
- Hungry Root*Use Promo Code: GETCHA25
- Brooks Running
- Follow Shemayne on Instagram
- Follow Joe D. on Instagram

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