Developing Strong, Fast, Resilient NFL Players w/ NY Giants Strength Coach Aaron Wellman

Released on April 4, 2019
0:05 – Show overview
3:30 – Joe talks about the High Profit Gym seminar
8:40 – Joe introduces today’s sponsor – Tiger Balm Active®
12:45 – Aaron Wellman podcast begins…
14:00 – The biggest difference between being a college vs NFL strength coach
18:45 – How Aaron approaches his programming in April (after not having seen his players in 3-4 months)
21:35 – Reducing the risk for non-contact soft tissue injuries
24:50 – Aaron begins to run through the NY Giants off-season training template
30:55 – Why Aaron, Joe & Cam all program CNS intensive workouts on Tuesday (as opposed to Monday)
35:00 – Aaron defines his training philosophy
37:25 – NY Giants in-season training template
41:20 – The importance of building relationships with your athletes
50:10 – Quantifying velocity-based lifts
52:20 – How to prevent technical breakdown when programming velocity-based lifts
54:45 – Exercises vs adaptations
56:00 – The “window of greatest adaptation” and how it relates to training skill players vs lineman
59:40 – Does Aaron program specific conditioning drills in-season?
1:04:00 – Aaron & Joe each share a FrEaK athlete story 🙂
Important Links from the Show
- High Profit Gym seminar Because Great Trainers Deserve To Have Great Businesses!
- Ask DeFranco's Gym - ep. #35: Is Tuesday the new Monday?
- Follow Joe D. on Instagram

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