Predicting Liver King’s Future, Soccer Training Discussion & More!

Released on December 1, 2022
0:00 – Show intro
4:25 – Show preview
7:00 – DeFranco merch announcement! [Today is your last chance to grab new merch!]
8:15 – BlackFriday supplement sale extension/announcement!
9:20 – Business of Strength seminar announcement
14:55 – Podcast begins | Liver King discussion starts…
33:10 – Joe predicts how Liver King will respond to the leaked emails
41:15 – Has Joe been following the World Cup?
45:40 – General overview of how Joe would organize a soccer players off-season training
1:01:20 – What are Joe’s thoughts on the Deadlift? [How to determine the best exercises for YOU]
Important Links from the Show
- DeFranco's Nutritional SupplementsUse code: blackfriday [Sale ends December 7th]
- Business of Strength seminar
- Eight Sleep
- Joe a question for the podcast and/or leave audio feedback!
- The Liver King Lie "More Plates More Dates" YouTube video

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-The Industrial Strength Show team