Results From My 30-Day Band Pull-Apart Experiment, Vacation Stories & More!

Released on August 3, 2023
2:10 – Joe & Ashley provide a full recap of their vacation
37:05 – Podcast “officially” begins…
38:50 – “MuscleUpAugust” supplement sale announcement!
42:50 – Joe begins to share the results from his 30-day band pull-apart experiment
46:50 – The specific band Joe used for the experiment
48:35 – How Joe broke up the 100 reps each day
52:55 – The “negative” experience Joe encountered during days 8 & 9 of the experiment
56:10 – What happened midway through the experiment
58:35 – The one habit [that was prompted from this experiment] that Joe will keep forever
1:01:15 – The hypertrophy changes Joe noticed [if any] during the 30 days
1:07:25 – Joe’s thoughts on HFT (high frequency training)
1:10:25 – How Joe’s chronic tennis elbow responded to his band pull-apart experiment
1:13:50 – The biggest difference Joe noticed during this 30-day experiment
1:20:30 – Joe explains “The Tension Effect”
Important Links from the Show
- DeFranco's Nutritional Supplements*Use code: MuscleUpAugust
-*Use code: JOED
- How To Perform Band Pull-Aparts
- Ashley DeFranco

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