Sean Hayes on What It Takes To Be A Great Coach, Best Conditioning Drills for Pro Wrestlers & More!

Released on May 6, 2021
0:00 – Show intro/preview
2:30 – Joe introduces today’s sponsor – AZUNA FRESH
8:30 – Sean Hayes joins the show | Podcast begins…
11:20 – Sean, err, “Stone Cold Steve Austin’s” message to all trainers who refuse to “cite their work”!
14:10 – Sean shares a lesson he learned from “Macho Man” Randy Savage [which was relayed to him by HBK]
19:20 – Sean provides insight into one of the most difficult aspects of his job
23:20 – The main traits that separate the GREAT coaches from the average coaches
31:30 – Sean gives a real-world example of “going the extra mile” for your athletes/clients
37:00 – How the gym culture at the WWE PC has changed during the “COVID era”
43:40 – How often does Sean test the athletes at the WWE PC
45:40 – Sean lists all the tests that make up the WWE/NXT Combine
48:40 – Sean explains the 5 different training phases that make up NXT’s yearly S&C plan
1:01:20 – The benefits of [regularly] rotating exercises
1:11:05 – How Sean balances variety with consistency
1:15:25 – Best conditioning drills for pro wrestlers [outside of in-ring work]
1:25:20 – Joe reveals the “garage gym envy” he recently experienced
1:26:00 – Joe describes the new “hypertrophy technique” he recently incorporated into Triple H’s workout
Important Links from the Show

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