Should Obesity Be Recognized/Treated as a “Disease”? [My reaction to 60 MINUTES interview]

Released on January 26, 2023
1:00 – Joe chooses this week’s winning iTunes review [and gives away some FREE merch!]
5:25 – Joe talks about this week’s podcast sponsor – Business of Strength [Virtual Workshop]
9:55 – Podcast begins…
14:20 – Joe reads the listener question that prompted this week’s show
18:00 – Joe plays a 30-second clip from the 60 MINUTES interview: Recognizing & Treating Obesity as a Disease
18:55 – The real reason that children of obese parents have a high probability of becoming obese themselves
23:05 – How much do genetics affect obesity
43:30 – What we can learn about genetics from the show, “My 600lb Life”
46:55 – Joe’s thoughts on obesity being recognized as a “disease”
47:50 – The TRUE #1 cause of obesity!

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