Fist Fights on Black Friday, Favorite Foods & Family! [Thanksgiving w/ The DeFranco’s]

Released on November 22, 2018
0:00 – Joe & family test out the new podcast audio equipment
3:30 – Show begins…
6:00 – Joe recalls a Black Friday “altercation” involving his dad, a baseball bat, and a gun!
15:00 – The time George D. went “back to high school” to discipline a disrespectful student
20:25 – Ashley reveals what Joe does with his “down time”
24:40 – George calls out his son for doing something that annoys him
25:50 – Did Joe’s parents ever doubt his career choice?
32:00 – Did George “force” sports on Joe when he was a kid?
38:20 – How was the first meeting between Ashley & Joe’s parents?
47:35 – George tells the story of when a young Joe D. got arrested
56:15 – Joe reveals the dumbest thing he’s ever done in his life
1:00:40 – Ashley & Joe’s favorite foods to eat on Thanksgiving
1:04:15 – Plumbing problems in the DeFranco household #TMI
1:07:50 – Joe’s dad gives his thoughts on “fat cops” and overweight people calling themselves “handicapped”
1:14:10 – The DeFranco’s all share what they’re most thankful for
Important Links from the Show
- Follow Joe D. on Instagram
- DeFranco's Nutritional SupplementsBLACK FRIDAY SALE! [11/23 - 11/26] *Use Discount Code: luckybastard

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