The Champ is Here! [Interview w/ Charlie Guthrie, aka, Mr. STRONG BASTARD]

Released on October 22, 2015
In this weeks episode, Joe interviews Charlie Guthrie – the very first “STRONG BASTARD 911 Transformation Challenge Grand Champion”. Here’s a rundown of some of the topics that were discussed during the interview:
- What it felt like when Charlie “got the call” and learned that he beat out 600+ people to win the first annual “SB911 Transformation Challenge”
- The set-backs Charlie had during the 11-week challenge and how he overcame them
- How Charlie worked two jobs (12-13 hours a day), yet still “found the time” to train each and every day
- Why Charlie decided to tell every single person he knew that he was competing in this contest [valuable lesson to be learned here]
- The value of having a training partner and surrounding yourself with a “team”
- Why you must “plan ahead” and have specific goals if you want to accomplish something BIG
- The changes in Charlie’s training that had the biggest impact on his amazing transformation
- How & Why you can “get away with” training your upper back every single day and the impact it will have on your physique and shoulder health
- How “having more fun” while training translates into “getting more results”
- Learn about the “fun” SB911 challenge that had Charlie, NFL Strength coaches, and lifters all over the world “mother effing” Joe D. & Smitty!
- Joe D’s FREE advice to Charlie (and personal trainers all over the world) on how to [instantly] get more female clients
Hint, hint 🙂
- The important role that visualization played in Charlie’s transformation and ultimately becoming Grand Champion
- How Charlie became the first person in history to win a transformation contest with a “farmers tan” 🙂 …. and much, Much MORE!
Important Links from the Show
- STRONG BASTARD 911 [11-week program]The program that transformed Charlie Guthrie and hundreds of other athletes, coaches and lifters worldwide!
- Follow Charlie on Twitter
- Follow Charlie on Instagram

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-The Industrial Strength Show team
I finally got around to listening to this show. Very great transformation from charlie and great stories.. Excellent show. The show make me realise my goals need to be more specific. I started writing my goals down now and started to sb911 program yesterday! Thank you charlie and joe d for the great motivation!!!
WOW! Amazing transformation Charlie and congrats on winning the contest. That is quite the accomplishment. Just bought the sb911 program myself and after only 2 workouts i can see how it will produce some serious gains if u stick wit it. Respect to Joe D n Smitty for offering it to the public. JJ