The Ultimate [NO PRESSING] Boulder Shoulder Workout, How To Build Tendon Strength & More!

Released on December 2, 2021
1:00 – Joe reads this week’s winning iTunes review
4:00 – Joe introduces today’s sponsor – Hellowater
8:30 – Podcast begins…
9:40 – Rebuilt 2.0 update!
16:00 – Joe performs an [impromptu] “brain dump” to clear his head before answering questions
32:50 – Q1: Top 5 Ways To Develop Strong, Healthy Tendons
56:36 – Q2: Joe writes a full shoulder workout [in real time] for a listener
Important Links from the Show
- CPPS certification40% OFF ALL COURSES! *Use coupon code: XMAS40
- DeFranco's Nutritional Supplements*Use coupon code: StockUp
- Follow @defrancosgym on IG

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