Break Out of Your Comfort Zone & Become Superhuman!

Released on August 11, 2016
Joe kicks off this week’s podcast by answering an email from a listener who criticized his show. After setting the record straight, Joe begins his #OperationRebuildJoeD talk. He reminds the audience about the 4 goals he set for himself at the beginning of his “rebuilding process”, then reflects back on the benefits of training “outside his comfort zone” during the last 12 weeks. He then shares the specific results of his “testing” week, while providing some training tips and tricks that contributed to his success. He concludes the show by making a very BIG ANNOUNCEMENT!
3:45 – Joe publicly answers an email from a listener who criticized the show
27:45 – Joe reminds the audience of the 4 areas/tests that he’s been training to improve and WHY he chose each
37:40 – The benefits of “breaking out of your comfort zone” in the gym
42:30 – Joe discusses his definition of “gametime anxiety” and how it effects performance
48:50 – Joe gives some insight into his summer work schedule and how his training helped him deal with everything he had on his plate [business-wise]
63:00 – Joe begins to share his official “test results” – starting with the 225lb Bench Press Rep test
70:00 – Pistol Squat test results & training tips
75:00 – 3RM Chin-up test results & training tips
80:00 – Joe shares his top training tip of this podcast [Learn how he doubled his chin-up strength in 12 weeks!]
83:20 – 3-Mile Assault Bike test results
86:45 – Joe concludes the show with a HUGE ANNOUNCEMENT!
Important Links from the Show
- #OperationRebuildJoeD TEST WEEK!This is the direct link to the Youtube video that's embedded into the show notes (just in case the embedded video won't play for some people).

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-The Industrial Strength Show team
Ditto on the opener, keep it as is I like it, for those that don’t as you said there’s this thing called fast forward.
One question you mentioned something you’re calling a relaxed hang that you do for 1 min 15 secs and has helped your shoulders a lot. I’d like to try it could you maybe describe it a little more? I recently heard Steve Maxwell on the JRE podcast discussing a hang that sounds similar, saying it’s very helpful so you might be on to something. They discuss it here but not sure if that’s it.
Love the show!
Totally agree with what Brian said. I love how you share your personal life and struggles with us. Even though i’ve never met you in person, Joe (although i will when i come over and do your CPPS course) it feels like i’ve known you for ages and we’re good friends- as i know so much about you. It’s incredible how much you give of your time for others and especially this podcast all for free.
Keep smashing your goals and well done for achieving your 4 goals you set 12ish weeks ago. Keep doing what you’re doing as there’s always going to be that 1% who will try to pull you down.
Brian – As always, your feedback and continued support means a LOT! Thanks for taking the time to post your comment. I really appreciate it.
F that DAN. I have listened to all of the podcasts and have learned so much from them. I enjoy the fact that Joe shares his personal stories with the world. It shows what a regular guy he his. He has the same challenges that any regular guy does. Wife, kids parents and career. Anyone who can go from training top athletes,consulting with WWE then donate his valuable time to do a free podcast in one day is amazing. I have personal experience with this. I have met Joe a few times. I have had the opportunity to get some personal instruction from him. I have no doubt that he treated me as well as he does Cushing, HHH or any other of this “A” list clients. I have been treated awesome by Joe. In fact anyone who listens to the show gets “A” list information for FREE! Thanks Joe, keep the current format. I treasure your advise, the instruction you give and counsel. WHAT YOU DO MATTERS!!!