Brian MacKenzie on the Benefits of Nasal Breathing, Downregulation & More!

Released on September 7, 2017
1:00 – Show Intro – Joe introduces this week’s sponsor and gives an overview of today’s show
9:35 – Brian Mackenzie interview begins…
12:00 – Brian’s athletic background

22:15 – Brian talks about completing a 100-MILE run!
28:35 – Why Brian became interested in the art of breathing
29:40 – How Brian utilizes the Training Mask (HINT: It’s NOT to simulate “altitude training”)
38:00 – Joe’s original opinion of the Training Mask
46:00 – Using your breath to recover quicker
53:00 – Getting your breathing “fingerprint”
60:20 – Technique for getting your heart rate to slow down
62:40 – Becoming adapted to CO2 via nasal breathing
64:55 – The affect of mouth-breathing vs. nasal breathing on your immune system
68:05 – What “heart rate variability” does NOT account for
71:15 – Brian takes Joe through his “Step Up” breathing protocol

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-The Industrial Strength Show team
Great advice as always Joe!
This man knows stuff….like a master.
Loved every word from this program.Keep it up.
Hey Joe,
Episode was awesome. Was it just me or is it difficult to follow the breathing drills? I don’t have a lot of experience with breathing exercises but I’m looking for a way to hack my stress and sleep or stay asleep better. Great guest.