Episode # 79

Concussion Prevention for Combat Athletes

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Released on September 22, 2016

Joe kicks off this episode by thanking the audience for the amazing support they’ve already shown towards his new line of nutritional supplements. He then fills them in on how he’ll be “giving back” this week – along with some exciting news regarding the launch of his new REBUILT ebook! 

The second half of the show is dedicated to discussing ways that combat athletes can reduce their risk of suffering a concussion. 



6:20 – Joe fills the audience in on how they can win a FREE DeFranco’s Nutritional Supplements t-shirt

         T+ (plus) Lean Kreatine = STRONG BASTARD

8:05 – REBUILT  ebook announcement!

13:10 – Joe answers the 5 most common questions he’s been asked this week about his new line of supplements

23:30 – The pre-workout supplement stack that has taken Joe’s strength to a whole new level!  (pictured right) >>>

35:00 – *Joe reads today’s main question regarding “Concussion Prevention for Athletes”

38:50 – Joe’s stance on boxers wearing headgear while sparring

44:35 – The best supplement to take if you’ve suffered from a concussion

48:15 – The 4 basic functions of the neck

Even at the young age of 12, Joe D. knew the importance of a thick, strong neck…thanks to the training guidance of the legendary George DeFranco 🙂

50:00 – The importance of isometric neck strength

55:55 – Off-season neck training guidelines for athletes

57:40 – The many methods of strengthening the muscles of the neck

62:20 – Joe’s thoughts on athlete’s performing neck bridges

63:35 – In-season neck training recommendation for athletes

68:20 – Joe recaps the important announcements from the beginning of today’s show


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  1. Thanks for the videos. The show was great. I was a high school wrestler and did more than my fair share of bridging. I wish we had those exercises in the 80″s !!!!

  2. Hey Joe, got a quick question for you you: A recent TNation post cited a study, finding that quarter squats are significantly superior for improving an athlete’s vertical jump and 40 yard dash than full range of motion squats. (here is a link to the post: https://www.t-nation.com/training/tip-do-quarter-squats-to-boost-athleticism)
    Do you think this is legit? If so, should you only focus on partial range squatting if improved athleticism (to survive the zombie apocalypse and all ;)) is your goal or would you cycle full and partial range exercises?

    Any feedback is greatly appreciated.
    Thanks coach and all the best to you

  3. Thanks for posting the neck exercises Joe! I tried the stability ball bridges and really found them to hit the musculature of my neck better than the neck harness which I had previously been using. Thanks again for sharing!

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