Dr. Tom is TICKED OFF! [Calls Out Former Guests]

Released on May 11, 2017
Dr. Tom returns to the Industrial Strength Show for the first time in 12 weeks…and he’s TICKED OFF!
1:10 – Joe announces the date/location of next CPPS certification course & gives a DeFrancoShop.com update
9:40 – Dr. Tom interview begins…
13:15 – Dr. Tom begins to explain why he’s pissed off
16:20 – Dr. Tom talks about his experience with Cyrex Labs and why he disagrees with Charles Poliquin
19:50 – Dr. Tom addresses the question that Charles Poliquin “dodged”? [How to get lean]

23:20 – How to find your Basal Metabolic Rate
26:20 – Joe reveals the “best” form of cardio for getting lean
30:00 – *Mr. New Jersey 1995 reference* 🙂
30:50 – Dr. Tom Calls Out Dr. Layne Norton!
35:40 – Dr. Tom Sounds Off on Artificial Sweeteners
39:40 – Dr. Tom Challenges Layne Norton to an Open Debate!
43:40 – Guidelines for supplementing with DHEA
46:15 – Post-workout macronutrient ratio recommendations
51:30 – Best supplements for getting lean and losing weight
54:10 – The importance of maintaining a positive nitrogen balance while in a caloric deficit
55:05 – SB911 Contest NEWS – New Categories…and New PRIZES?!
60:10 – Dr. Tom talks about the dangers of “obesogens” and how detoxing can help
62:10 – Dr. Tom shares some new “Bilella-isms”
Important Links from the Show
- CPPS Level 1 certification - WWE Performance Center (Orlando, FL)Sign up for the September 23/24 course NOW! [REGISTRATION LIMITED]
- DeFrancoShop.comNEW TEES IN STOCK...but not for long :)
- DeFranco's Nutritional SupplementsProfessional-Grade supplements developed for individuals who are serious about their training and HEALTH. *NO artificial sweeteners. *NO high fructose corn syrup. *NO dyes.
- NutritionTreatmentCenter.comDr. Tom's website.
- Follow Dr. Tom on Twitter!
- MRT Macro Plan [w/ Dr. Tom]

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-The Industrial Strength Show team
I too would love to hear a debate between these two. Appreciate Dr. Bilella (and Joe D.) not being afraid to step on toes and get a real discussion going!
I would love to hear a true debate between these two (Dr. Layne Norton) (Tom Bilella)