Episode # 61

Training Intensity vs. Stupidity & The Ultimate Post-Workout Routine!

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Released on May 12, 2016

In this weeks episode, Joe D. takes to his Twitter account to answer 3 questions from his followers. TOPICS INCLUDE: The Role Your Emotional State Plays in Your Training – Does it help to “get crazy” during your workouts; The Ultimate [easy-to-follow] Post-Workout Recovery Routine; Joe D’s favorite “Max-Effort Music”, aka, The Official Industrial Strength “Angry” Playlist! 


1:05 – Joe has a special treat for the people who say he takes too long to get into the content of each podcast

               Does “gettin’ crazy” in the gym = GAINZ?

3:15 – Joe reveals next weeks Industrial Strength Show guest!

5:20 – Joe begins to address today’s first topic regarding “the role our emotional state plays in our training”

10:35 – Joe explains why most people praise their supplements for all the wrong reasons

14:55 – Joe gives his personal description of a true “gym badass”

17:50 – Why you must distinguish the difference between your “training max” and your “competition max”

26:30 – Joe gives advice to the lifters who like “pushing themselves” in the gym, but want to prevent overtraining/burnout

32:15 – Joe gives an example of what a full “Joe DeFranco workout” looks like [from an “intensity” standpoint]

41:00 – Joe reveals his NEW Post-Workout Recovery Routine!! [Get a pen & paper ready!]

63:30 – Joe summarizes his philosophy on training intensity by making a comparison to Patrick Swayze’s character in Roadhouse?!

65:10 – The Industrial Strength Show “Angry Playlist” REVEALED!



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-The Industrial Strength Show team


  1. Just wondering if this podcast and quite a few others are still offered as it just says error code when opened, and can not find them across any other podcasting platforms.

    This is podcast #61

    Thank you

  2. Coach Defranco,

    When you were talking about using a training max and then basing percentages of that, then going for broke on the last set, if you were on your last set of a 5×5, for example, and got 7 reps, would you recommend bumping your training max up 5-10 pounds or using a higher percentage the next week around to aid in progressively overloading the athlete?

    Thanks for your time, love the podcast!

    Joe Williams

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