The ART of Sports Science w/ Dr. Fergus Connolly

Released on November 9, 2017
1:00 – Show overview
5:30 – Joe introduces today’s sponsor: MVMT Watches
8:00 – CPPS Level 2 Online Course Announcement
10:40 – Dr. Fergus Connolly explains why he wrote GAME CHANGER
12:55 – Fergus discusses his “4 Coactive Model”
17:20 – The importance of “working backwards” from the competition and removing as much unnecessary stress as possible
23:20 – The power of routine
27:00 – Developing the ability to perform on a specific day
30:30 – Is the NFL Combine useful for evaluating players?
35:20 – Why you need to identify each athlete’s limiting factor
37:40 – Improving your weakness vs “doubling down” on your strength
42:30 – Prioritizing health [training “humans” vs “athletes”]
52:50 – Program design advice
57:15 – Fergus shares an awesome analogy regarding sport science / technology
58:20 – Building a cohesive team
65:35 – The importance of having a clear & concise game plan
Important Links from the Show

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-The Industrial Strength Show team
Joe, please make a video about deceleration mechanics. I cant find any info about this.
Hey Joe,
I was just wondering if you had decided when you would announce the winners from the SB911 challenge. Thank for all you do for us!