Genetic Factors Affecting Sprinting Speed, Best Caffeine-Free Energy Boosters & More!

Released on July 9, 2020
0:00 – Show intro | Joe provides insight into his [not-so-fun] week
7:00 – iTunes Review Contest Winners
12:30 – Podcast begins…
16:00 – Q1: Joe’s favorite caffeine-free pre-workout energy boosters
34:40 – Q2: The 3 most important genetic factors affecting an athlete’s sprinting speed
55:30 – Q3: Is it possible to build muscle by lifting light weights EXCLUSIVELY?
1:08:30 – Q4: Is bench-pressing with a big arch beneficial (for healthy non-powerlifters)
if the goal is to get bigger & stronger?
Important Links from the Show

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-The Industrial Strength Show team
Really enjoy the show, I could listen for hours. My son just turned 12 and is starting to show intrest in working out. Every time we try something new during a workout he asks if it was something I learned from Joe. He even tells his friends about his Joe workouts.