How To Customize Your Gains & Make ANY Program More Effective! [w/ Jim “Smitty” Smith]

Released on April 8, 2021
0:00 – Show intro
7:30 – Smitty joins the show | Podcast begins…
10:10 – How do you know WHEN to launch a product & WHAT the product should be?
13:25 – The different phases of a workout & how/where “specialization courses” fit into the equation
17:15 – Why there is no such thing as the “perfect program”
22:50 – The importance of auto-regulation in programming
26:30 – Why you can’t judge the effectiveness of a program just by looking at it “on paper”
31:05 – What it takes to improve your movement quality
36:15 – The 15 most common “problem areas” in training [and the specialization courses that coincide w/ them]
1:00:10 – Top 3 reasons people goto a physical therapist
1:04:40 – The “dangers” of strength training
1:12:45 – When it’s OK to “combine” programs
Important Links from the Show
-[NEW!] "Specialization Course" Video Library
- DeFranco Insider
- Strong Bastard 2.0 - Forever Strong
- CPPS certification course
- Follow @smittydiesel on Instagram

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-The Industrial Strength Show team
This is awesome. Thank you for sharing this with us.