Episode # 25

How to use Chains for Massive GAINZ!

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Released on August 20, 2015

In this weeks episode, Joe addresses a topic that’s long overdo – How to [properly] use chains in the weightroom. Contrary to what many Personal Trainers believe; the chains at your gym were NOT put there for you to throw over your shoulder and take douchebag Instagram selfies. They actually serve a greater purpose. In fact, they serve many greater purposes!


During this podcast, Joe explains…

  • How & When he first heard about using chains in the weightroom
  • How to properly set up the chains to “accommodate resistance” [Most people do it WRONG!]


  • Why attaching chains to the barbell works better with exercises that have an “ascending strength curve” 
  • How “accommodating resistance” with chains leads to greater strength, hypertrophy & power gains
  • Why beginner & intermediate athletes SHOULD occasionally train with chains
  • Why you should be incorporating chains into your rehabilitation programs [This little-known application can have a profound effect on speeding up the recovery process]
  • When should you replace your traditional weight plates and dumbbells with chains?
  • Advanced chain application for “chaos” training
  • The difference between training with chains vs. bands

And much, Much MORE!


Check out the podcast companion video below. In this video, Joe explains and shows exactly how to set up the chains properly…

Hope you enjoyed this weeks podcast!

Feel free to drop me a comment below with any questions, comments or feedback you may have. I’d also love to get your input on future show ideas! What would you like me to discuss on the podcast next?

 -Joe D.  

Next weeks guest = Dr. Rhonda Patrick  (Ph.D in Biomedical Science. Nutritional health, brain & aging expert.) 


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-The Industrial Strength Show team


  1. Јoe episode was great! I listened to the previous episode, and I simply find it hard to decide which is better.However, my favorite is episode number 23rd.Since I am from a country where basketball is the national sport No.1 (at least I think so :)) I’d like some of the following episodes devote to the development of strength, speed and jumping ability in basketball players.I think that this aspect of basketball preparation is quite neglected.I often listen to the basketball players are afraid to work with weights and believe that this will undermine their game.I read https://www.t-nation.com/training/10-training-myths-exposed and I would very much like if the myth No. 9 closer processed in a following episodes.
    Greetings from Milos from Serbia.

  2. I feel like we should repay you for all the amazing content you put out each week. (fyi I left an itunes review but thats nothing compared to what your giving back to the industry.) Can’t thank you enough coach. Another great episode! TJ

  3. Loved this episode! I had to present on strength in a graduate course I took (Awesome, I know) and when I began looking for good examples of accommodating resistance I could hardly find any correct examples of chains! All I could find were your classic “Instagram” model and people who placed 1 chain hanging from the bar. This is a topic that I feel will educate the masses! Great overall episode!

  4. I seriously had no idea there was an actual science behind the chains. I thought they just acted as another form of resistance. WOW my mind is actually kind of blown lolz.
    THANK YOU for another amazing episode. I’ve learned more from your 25 podcast episodes than I learned in 4.5 YEARS of college. (I have a BSc in Kinesiology) I now look forward to every thursday #Industrialstrengthday.

  5. Awesome episode Joe! I like how you talked about how chains not only aid in strength and power development, but also help with rehab, because it fits perfectly with the athletes strength curve as he/she is recovering. The video at the end on how to set up the chains was very helpful too. It explained everything in detail and was easy to understand.
    At some point, could you do a video just like the chain setup, but on bands (regular and reverse)? I think this would be beneficial for many people. The regular band bench press seems to give me the most problems because I can never figure out the right band and the right tension. Thanks!

  6. “Is that some weird fetish porn thing? Like you do chains?” Hahahaha Starting this episode on point!

  7. This was a great impromptu podcast Joe! I love starting my Thursday with this podcast, I always learn something new, and a lot of things I want to try. I know I’ve probably told you this before, but it’s really nice to get information that I can trust, and put to good use. Keep up the great work!

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