Episode # 49

How To Write Effective Training Programs

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Released on February 4, 2016

In this weeks episode, Joe reveals the thought-process that goes into each and every program he designs…

For the first time ever, he shares his Top 6 Principles of Writing an Effective Program“. Hearing [and learning] these principles will give you a much better understanding as to what goes on “inside Joe’s head” and why DeFranco’s Gym has produced such amazing results for such a long period of time. After listening to this episode, you too will be able to achieve the same results that Joe and his athletes have been achieving for almost two decades!



00:01:35 – Joe explains why he’s “pre-occupied” during the start of the show….this leads into a hilarious [true] gym story that involves a 20-year-old Joe D, blood, exploding middle fingers and George DeFranco 🙂 . WTF?!?

00:17:35 – Joe reads today’s question and gives an overview of today’s podcast topic

00:22:40 – Joe discusses “Principle #1” and the importance of  having goals. What are you [specifically] training for?

00:26:45 – Joe explains “Principle #2” and the influence that “time” has on your programming. [What’s optimal vs. what’s realistic?]

00:30:15 – Joe reveals “Principle #3” and what it means to “work backwards”. [This just may be the biggest “game-changer” in programming that you’ll ever learn.]

00:41:50 – Joe talks about “Principle #4” and the value of developing a “Needs Analysis”

00:44:30 – Joe’s “dinner analogy” [as it relates to training] revisited

00:47:25 – Joe reviews “Principle #5” and uses a great analogy that clarifies the importance of adhering to the “Training Economy”

00:55:30 – Joe concludes the show with “Principle #6” and explains the rationale behind writing a “template” before you write your specific workouts.

01:00:45 – Joe goes on a mini rant about lifters who “worry and stress over minor details” and the effect it has on their overall ability to get jacked [BRO-science alert!]

01:05:00 – Quick/Final review of Joe D’s Top 6 Principles of Writing Effective Programs


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  1. Hi Joe!

    Greetings from the Netherlands. Thank you for sharing your knowledge with us. Keep up the good work!

  2. Hi coach! a big salute from Italy!
    man…you drop knowledge bombs every week for almost 50 weeks, my favorite one is the “gun show” episode, but i have to say it…this is my favorite one from real training standpoint. i always thinked that the most important thing in training someone is to know who he is, what are his goals, and write down a program that will bring him to his goals. and all of this should be a #1 priority for every coach/personal trainer but in real world few cares about this. i really enjoyed this podcast and it will be great to have another one on periodizations and strength rep/set schemes. all the big info shared in this podcast will help me a lot as always in my young career (i’m only 22 years old).thanks for sharing all this free knowledge bombs coach, you are one of the main reasons why 4 years ago i decided to pursuit this career! you the best!

  3. Hi Joe,

    nice Podcast !
    You get me some points i already know and do, but also some new ideas! Thanks!
    Also it’s nice to listen that what my way sound similar you’re way 😉

    I would love to listen a podcast about periodisation, because this is a hot topic i think when talking about planing a workout!

    Have a nice week, regards from Germany,



  4. Enjoyed the show. If it counts for anything, I’d love to hear an episode on periodization models like you were talking about near the end of today’s show. Thanks again for another great podcast!

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