World’s Strongest Wealth Manager [Jeff Sica interview]

Released on November 23, 2016
In this weeks episode, Joe sits down with his longtime friend, client, and highly successful wealth manager – Jeff Sica. Their hour-long conversation is packed with a wide variety of useful information and entertaining, “behind-the-scenes” DeFranco’s Gym stories.
1:00 – Joe talks about today’s sponsor – HelloFresh [Use promo code “JOED” to save $35]
5:00 – Joe announces the Black Friday sales going on at &

9:25 – Jeff Sica introduction
15:00 – Interview with Jeff Sica begins…
17:30 – How Jeff became the first “non athlete” accepted into DeFranco’s Gym
24:45 – Jeff recalls his very first training session with Joe DeFranco
27:45 – The similarity between DeFranco’s original storage closet gym and the movie, “The Breakfast Club”
30:55 – The importance of “training with a purpose”
35:45 – Jeff talks about how “being himself” and NOT blending with the typical “financial crowd” has affected his business
42:50 – The back story of how & why Jeff got into the financial world (and the unlikely connection to D’Jais in Belmar, NJ)
46:15 – Jeff talks about the “best education you can get” [Hint: he’s NOT referring to college]
49:45 – Joe & Jeff share some real-world stories of resiliency at DeFranco’s Gym
57:40 – Jeff answers the question, “Why are so many former pro athletes broke?” [Find out their biggest financial mistake so YOU don’t make the same one!]
64:00 – How does one find TRUE happiness?
66:40 – Joe & Jeff share their personal methods of meditation
75:20 – Show Closing
Important Links from the Show
- Follow Jeff Sica on Twitter
- Visit Jeff's website
- DeFrancoShop.comBLACK FRIDAY $ALE on ALL DeFranco apparel! [Use discount code: strong10]
- DeFrancosNutrition.comBLACK FRIDAY $ALE on ALL DeFranco's professional grade supplements! [Use discount code: strong10]

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-The Industrial Strength Show team
Another outstanding podcast. I had flashbacks to the late 1980’s-early 90’s. I had T-Michael shirts and Zubaz pants also!!!
Jeff’s comments on happiness were spot on. I love these podcasts where reals guys talk about real life stuff. Thanks for letting us into your circle. Every time I listen to your show or logon to the “Insider” it re affirms my belief that YOUR success is not measured in reps and weights. It is measured in the amount of people you help and service to others. YOUR success is a ancillary result of hard work and passing on great energy. Thank you my friend. WHAT YOU DO MATTERS!!!