Joe D. Answers 20 Questions!

Released on April 30, 2015
Another week has come to an end and that means another NEW episode of the Industrial Strength Show!
In this weeks episode, Joe D. speaks candidly on a variety of topics that vary from Conjugate Periodization to rumors regarding his eyebrows! (seriously)
Check out the show notes below if you’re interested in finding out the topics of the 20 questions that Joe answered on this weeks podcast…
- The 3 people (dead or alive) that Joe D. would like to have dinner with
- How can “smaller” personal trainers and coaches get bigger athletes to respect and listen to them
- Joe discusses the next MAJOR ADVANCEMENT in performance training
- The single biggest mistake Joe made during his early years in business
- Joe reveals what he’d like to be remebered for
- Learn the Top 6 biggest FrEaKs Joe D. has ever trained
- Joe answers the hypothetical question, “If you were going to die and had one final workout, what would it consist of?”
- Learn the coach that gave Joe his biggest eureka moment with regards to strength development
- Joe outlines the key components of training Firefighters
- Joe gives his “secret” to sustaining his business during its critical early years
- Learn the exercises that Joe used to love, but he no longer incorporates them into his programs
- Joe takes a trip down “memory lane” and reveals the 2 craziest gym stories of the last 10 years
- The single most important thing that Joe has learned (business-wise) during the last 5 years, as opposed to his first 5 years
- Strongest DeFranco-trained female athlete revealed!
- Learn the quickest way to build your hamstrings and glutes
- Joe’s #1 equipment recommendation (after the prowler sled) for increasing speed
- Learn the most valuable thing Joe’s athletes do (training-wise) when they are NOT with him
- Joe speaks about the Conjugate method of periodization and when to use it
- Joe D’s eyebrow grooming “secret” revealed! (The answer may SHOCK you! :))
- Joe talks about the best lesson he learned from his mom and his dad, and how he’s taken those lessons and applied them to his business
Important Links from the Show
- www.OnnitAcademyGym.comStay up-to-date with everything that's going on at DeFranco's Gym at the Onnit Academy in Austin, TX - including this Saturday's FREE Open House event!
- www.DeFrancosTraining.comSign up for Joe D's FREE e-newsletter. Home of Joe's world-famous blog.
- Uphill Chevy Tahoe PullVideo footage from the "crazy gym story" Joe spoke about on this weeks show.

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-The Industrial Strength Show team