Episode # 256

From Introvert to Instafamous! JoeTherapy talks Social Media Branding, Better Stretching & More!

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Released on March 5, 2020


0:00 – Joe announces the 5-Year Anniversary of the podcast

3:30 – Show preview

5:40 – Joe introduces today’s NEW sponsor – Personna Razors

11:50Joe Yoon, aka, “JoeTherapy” joins the show | Podcast begins…

15:30 – When/Why Joe started posting on Instagram

17:15 – Why does Joe throw a tennis ball at the start of his videos?

20:10 – How Joe came up w/ the specific branding of his videos?

24:55 – Joe’s advice to those looking to grow their social media

28:55 – How Joe started working with Justin Gatlin

35:00 – Is stretching necessary if you lift weights properly?

38:20 – When is the best time to stretch?

42:10 – Is it true that static stretching before working out will decrease your strength?

47:40 – Advice for dealing with shin splints

51:55 – Misconceptions about working with pro athletes

57:00 – The importance of having measurable/objective goals

1:04:20 – Joe talks about his new book, “Better Stretching

1:15:30 – How being an introvert affected the style of Joe’s earlier IG videos

1:17:30 – Trying to improve your weaknesses vs. tripling down on your strengths


  • Personna Razors JOEDSHOW
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