Episode # 53

Joe D. Answers YOUR Training Questions!

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Released on March 17, 2016

After a 2-week hiatus, Joe D. returns [along with special co-host Ashley DeFranco] to answer YOUR training questions!  


06:00 – Training tips & never-before-discussed tricks for dominating the 225lb bench press rep test

16:10 – How to organize sprinting and lifting in the same session

22:35 – Troubleshooting the barbell squat [Mobility vs Stability problems]

34:30 – Joe explains the difference between “Working Out” vs. “Training”

46:35 – Joe gives specific upper body training guidelines for females [His recommendations may surprise you]

56:05 – Learn the BEST time of day to train!

*All this plus much, Much MORE! [including lots of bickering between Joe & Ashley] 🙂



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  1. Hello from Greece! I was wondering if the guidelines you mentioned about females and upper body training can be applied to a rugby player. If so would they be more effective in terms of strength development than a max effort lift (1-5 rep range) in a max effort upper body day ( I am using the conjugate method to help train myself for my team doesn’t have a S&C coach). Thank you for doing this podcast and for sharing more than valuable knowledge with all of us, I for once feel like having both a strength coach and a mentor whenever I tune in.

  2. Glad to see the chains are set up correctly in your picture…of course I would expect nothing less.
    Great to have you back on the air. See you in the CPPS level 2.

  3. Great show Joe, and thank you so much for sharing your knowledge with us!!!

    I am currently writing a program for my wife, so this couldn’t have come at a better time.

    Just wanted to ask you, how do you program for someone with an injury. I am asking for myself since I have a shoulder injury, that is taking awhile to heal, and I am trying to figure out how to continue upper body training, or if I should hold off on it.

    Basically what happened was I tried crossfit a few years ago, and I was doing snatch’s without knowing the proper technique. Now my shoulder blade and lower trap area on the one side are always sore, and I cannot reach up to my shoulders blades behind my back with my right arm, which I can easily do with my left. I also have realized, by listening to you, that my posture is horrible and my shoulders are rolled forward. I have been working on that through band pull aparts and some posture routines from the Defranco insider videos.

    Thanks in advance for your time and for all you do

  4. Welcome back. Biggest revelation from this this episode, even a world class, famous coach gets his balls busted by his wife like the rest of us!!!

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