Stephanie McMahon interview

Released on May 19, 2016
In this weeks episode Joe sits down with WWE’s Chief Brand Officer, Stephanie McMahon, to discuss a wide variety of topics. Here are just a few of the things they talk about: Steph’s daily routine; Productivity tips; #MidnightWorkouts; Eating to stay lean; “Chicks that lift”; Workout music; Steph’s favorite on-camera moment as a WWE character; Her most embarrassing on-camera moment; The most important business lesson Steph learned from her dad…and much, Much MORE!
5:30 – What does an average day look like for Stephanie McMahon?
8:00 – Steph gives her top Productivity tips
12:50 – What keeps Steph so motivated?
16:30 – The positive connection between athletics and business
18:20 – The changes Joe made to Steph’s training that have had the biggest impact on her health, strength, physique…and married life!
23:30 – Steph talks nutrition and reveals how she eats in order to stay lean
25:30 – Steph gives her opinion of “chicks that lift” and the common misconceptions that follow them
29:15 – All-time favorite wrestler [not counting Triple H]
29:45 – Favorite workout music
29:55 – Steph clarifies exactly how she pulled her neck muscle at a Motorhead concert 🙂
30:35 – Steph’s least favorite “DeFranco” exercise
30:45 – Steph’s favorite on-camera moment as a WWE character
34:00 – Steph’s most embarrassing moment on-camera!
35:10 – Steph’s “post-photoshoot” cheat meal revealed!
35:40 – The most important lesson she has learned from her father [Vince McMahon]
Important Links from the Show
- 2nd Annual Strong Bastard 911 Transformation Contest [Announcement]This is the initial announcement that was posted earlier this week. It explains how to enter the SB911 Contest and reveals this years prizes!
- Strong Bastard 911 ebook/programThis is the program that thousands of people worldwide have referred to as "THE BEST PROGRAM I'VE EVER DONE!"

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-The Industrial Strength Show team
Stephanie McMahon has her routines downpat! Even women are now lifting some weights fpr that lean,
light curvy look, lol.
Hey Joe,
I was looking over the SB911 protocol and noticed the max effort days are back to back on Monday and Tuesday. I have usually heard, even from your podcast, that you should space high intensity CNS workouts 48 hours apart to allow full recovery. I’m sure there is a good reason the program is set up like this, I just like to know the why as much as the how. If you could shed any light on the subject it would be greatly appreciated! Thanks for all the great stuff you are putting out there!
As always, a solid podcast. I had two questions that I was hoping you may be able to address on your podcast at some point. 1) When, if ever, does something you learned from another or read in a book become your own knowledge? Do you have to tweak and adapt that info to make it your own, use it for your years or will it always be a matter of, “According to so and so…”? You never want to rip someone off but I would think it equally bad to spend half your time quoting others to the point of appearing as though you have no original thoughts. (2) I know it’s not exactly your main focus, but thoughts on adapting Cal Dietz’s Triphasic Training for powerlifting or other strength based sport (Highland games, Strongman etc.)? How would you do it and is it worth the effort? Thanks for all you do.
Hey Joe, quick question for you. I was wondering if you could inform us viewers on some of the programing you do with Stephanie. You have a TON of information out about guy programming but not too much about girls. Thanks for all the free information you give. You’re the best!
Hey Joe!!!
Another great podcast!! Very inspirational, I laughed and I cried and laughed some more. Her story of Triple H telling her to enjoy the moment and being such an inspiration to their daughters got me as my wife and I have two young daughters and we were just discussing something similar the other day. Thank you.
My question regarding Stephanie’s workouts is, Triple H mentioned in his interview how sometimes he is just finishing up his warm-up and Stephanie is finishing her workout. Granted he may have been exaggerating a bit but what does Stephanie’s warm-up look like or consist of? My wife is beginning to get more into weightlifting (thanks to you, your podcasts, and following the #MidnightWorkouts) so I was curious what type of warm-up do you have Stephanie and your female clients perform? Is it any or much different from what your male athletes perform?
Thanks again for all that you do Joe. It is truly appreciative.