The 8 Most Effective Strength Exercises of All Time!

Released on January 10, 2019
2:50 – Joe makes 5 announcements regarding future projects, seminars & podcasts
12:20 – Joe gives an update on Triple H’s pec rehab
21:00 – Joe shares an interaction he recently had with a podcast listener at Whole Foods
27:45 – Joe begins to explain the “window & mirror effect”
39:05 – Joe reads the email that prompted today’s (main) show topic
41:45 – Joe explains his criteria for selecting the best exercises for a group training session
44:50 – Joe decides to use this podcast to determine the most effective strength exercises (based on the following criteria: minimal technical skill, maximal muscular recruitment, joint friendliness & practicality)
56:10 – Joe designs the “greatest full body workout of all time”!
59:00 – Joe warns the audience NOT to email him with their feedback regarding the above workout 🙂
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-The Industrial Strength Show team
You should publish the “greatest full body workout of all time” of you could only think a little more intense name… Seriously though, I think it’d be a great self-correcting, minimal experience required workout to get newbies in the gym and maybe remind some older lifters of the fundamentals.