Why “Perfect Form” is Killing Your Gains, Max-Effort Training for Washed-Up Meatheads & More!

Released on December 16, 2021
0:30 – CPPS certification/SALE reminder! [Time is running out!!]
3:35 – Joe introduces today’s sponsor – MANSCAPED™
7:15 – Podcast begins | Joe opens show with an [off-topic] health insurance rant!
15:15 – Q1: Is tracking macros a ‘necessary evil’ for those looking to get lean & healthy?
29:20 – Q2: How to bullet-proof your hamstrings with minimal equipment & space
41:55 – Q3: Why Joe does NOT preach “perfect” form when speaking about exercise execution
56:50 – Q4: Max-effort training guidelines for washed-up meatheads [and lifters recovering from injury]
1:13:15 – Joe shares his favorite max-effort exercises for “washed-up meatheads” 🙂
Important Links from the Show
- CPPS certification*Use coupon: XMAS40
- DeFranco's Nutritional Supplements*Use coupon: StockUp
- The Home Gym Guys *Makers of The Nordic Bar
- "Timmy The Technique God" [parady instagram video]

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-The Industrial Strength Show team
Hey Joe,
The podcast has been fire lately, my notebook is running out of space. Now I have to apply this knowledge for my own
Operation Rebuild Johnny G.
Here is my fairly straightforward question. How do you feel about the sled that has wheels? I have a decent basement home gym, and I cannot use a sled down there. I want something I can use outside since I am on a cul-de-sac. Would you recommend a sled with wheels? If the answer is yes, do you have any suggestions that won’t break the bank, but that is still a solid piece of equipment? You’re the man Joe! Merry Christmas.
Johnny G from Jersey