Why You Should Replace Your Morning Coffee w/ “Tyrofeine” [BIG NEWS], Hotel Training Advice & More!

Released on July 28, 2022
2:20 – Joe shares the highs & lows from his family vacation
13:00 – Joe’s philosophy on “training while on vacation” & How to have a great workout in any hotel gym
24:00 – Joe’s thoughts on “fat-burning heart rate zones”
35:45 – New [supplement] website announcement!
40:00 – Joe introduces his 3 new supplement bundles/stacks!
46:20 – Joe introduces his NEWEST product – Tyrofeine!
55:00 – George DeFranco’s [brutally honest] “review” of Tyrofeine
1:12:25 – Why Joe prefers consuming caffeine in PILL form
Important Links from the Show

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-The Industrial Strength Show team
Coach Joe,
How would you recommend supplementing with your new supplement Tyrofeine for someone who enjoys having a morning cup of coffee with breakfast? Also, do you recommend supplementing with Tyrofeine every day or should it be taken on and off. Any feedback would be appreciated. Thank you! Love the podcast and absolutely love the Defranco Whey!!!