You’re NOT As Healthy As You Think [Here’s Why]
Released on August 2, 2018
1:05 – Announcement: Last chance to register for CPPS Level 1 cert @ WWE Performance Center in Orlando, FL!
6:20 – Joe shares the “Post Office conversation” that inspired today’s show
13:30 – The major mistake most people make regarding their health/fitness
22:00 – The 3 primary forms of physical activity that must be trained
26:50 – The benefits of strength training on your overall health
29:30 – The importance your body composition has on your overall health
38:55 – Why most men stop strength training as they get older
46:40 – The role mobility plays in your overall health
53:45 – The role cardiovascular training plays in your overall health
59:20 – Joe gives the audience “homework” to do after the show
Important Links from the Show
- CPPS Level 1 Certification - WWE Performance Center in Orlando, FL [September 22-23]
-*Save 10% on ALL DeFranco-brand products [Monday, August 6 - Wednesday, August 8]. Must use Discount Code: MuscleUpAugust
- Bigger Shoulders Without Lifting Over 10lbs! [Instagram post]
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-The Industrial Strength Show team
Hey Coach,
Another excellent podcast as usual and one that I will take to heart since all 4 of the components of health you mentioned, I’m lacking of, however I would like to know if you have an alternative for cardio for those of us that are required to do medium intensity cardio such as running as part of our job, I’m 47 years old and I’m currently in the Army National Guard, as part of our fitness test, we’re required to do a 2 mile run, I have adopted HIIT and LISS as you suggested, but since I’m required to run 2 miles in the Army, how could I go about fitting in, I know you hate MIC, but any insight will be appreciated.
Thank you for all the info you give out, your podcast is the the best there is.