The Powerful effects of CONTRAST TRAINING!
Strength Training

The Powerful effects of CONTRAST TRAINING!

Q: Joe, As an aspiring strength coach I try to watch and read as much as I can. I recently watched Power! (Actually watched it twice it was so good) and I had a programming question regarding contrast training. Do you program that style during a power phase of a linear model? What about an…

The Need for SPEED!

The Need for SPEED!

In my opinion, the most misunderstood and poorly implemented aspect of training is definitely speed development. Our industry is in desperate need of practical and proven speed training methods. Taking it a step further; what our industry really needs is quality speed training information for team sport athletes. This is because the quality information that is…

Training Considerations for Police/Firemen
Strength Training

Training Considerations for Police/Firemen

“PROTECT & SERVE” George DeFranco lead by example during his 25-year rein with the NJ State Police —– Note from Joe D: During the past few weeks I have received more questions regarding Police/Fireman training than ever before. As the son of a former NJ State Trooper (who took his job very seriously), I am…

“Sports Adaptation” & Short-term Programming
Strength Training

“Sports Adaptation” & Short-term Programming

The first blog post today is a guest post from Mike Guadango regarding Sports Adaptation. This topic came up last week when a high-level volleyball player came into DeFranco’s for his first training session. Check this out…   Not all sports were created equal. Each sport places stress upon different energy systems, muscle fibers, joints,…

DeFranco’s Gym – SUMMER UPDATE!

DeFranco’s Gym – SUMMER UPDATE!

As usual, my blog posts have been lacking during the summer months. Actually – let’s be honest – they’ve been non-existent 🙂 But, rest assured, I haven’t been laying on a beach and sipping margaritas. I think you’ll agree that I have some legitimate “excuses” for my lackluster online presence this summer. I’ve been spending…

HARD:CORE has Arrived!

HARD:CORE has Arrived!

Last month we revealed our HARD:CORE DVD promo video. During my 15 years in this industry, I don’t think I remember a more highly-anticipated product…and rightfully so! The term “core” is probably the biggest buzz word in the fitness industry, yet 99% of the information provided on the topic is inaccurate. In fact, the “core”…